Thursday, March 25, 2010


The garden was "gopher free" for quite a while. I have been terribly remiss in posting about the gardens' progress. I grew a fabulous crop of chard and kohlrabi. Due to fluctuations of hot and cold while the broccoli was developing, the taste was rather bitter. The cabbage bolted, which is due also to weather fluctuations. However, I am beginning to think that certain crops (i.e. cabbage, Brussels sprouts) really need to be started much earlier. For the future, I am going to aim for late August.
I was really proud of my kohlrabi, I had never grown it before and couldn't believe how easy it was. The root is large and tastes like a mixture of broccoli, radish and jicama. Very good!

Unfortunately, I have spotted a new gopher hole, something I knew was bound to happen. Time to get out the gophinator and put it to work!

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