Wednesday, September 19, 2007

California Natives

I recently had the chance to hear Ellen Zagory from of the UC Davis Arboretum speak about natives. I took several classes at Cal Poly on the identification and use of California natives, but haven't had the chance to plant them in a landscape. This talk inspired me to plant some natives in my yard.

I called local nurseries and asked for about the availability of some standard CA native plants like ceanothus, toyon, deer grass (Muhlenbergia*) and California fuschia. The nurserypeople told me they did not carry toyon or CA fuschia as a rule. They could be special ordered though. One nursery carried both ceanothus and deer grass.

The reason standard nurseries and garden centers do not carry CA natives is because of watering. Standard nursery plants come in small, black containers that need frequent watering. Natives are a bit pickier and need less. Most times they are overwatered and die too frequently, which is why nurseries do not carry them.

I visited the nursery that had both deer grass and ceanothus. I'm planting this garden at my mother's house, and she wasn't crazy about the bushy habit of the ceanothus. Sadly, my vision of a California native garden was dissolved into a more dryland climate type of garden. It suits the purpose of my wish for a water-wise garden, but not my desire to plant a bunch of CA natives and see how they grow.

Unfortunately, garden space at my house is limited, so now there is no room for a toyon even if it could be ordered. I am hoping, however, to fit in a few things loved by birds and butterflies in our area such as showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa), Buckwheat (Erigonum spp), and hopefully I'll be able to order a few California fuschia (Zauschenaria spp).

Here's a link to a good website on water-wise plants that mentions some California natives.


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